On Thu, Apr 14, 2016 at 01:52:31PM +0000, ‪Majid Taleqani‬ ‪ wrote:
> i am writing a DDOS mitigation for openflow networks using pox
> controller and open vSwitch version 1.9. as DDOS attacks aim at
> Flooding flow tables and input buffers, i wonder what is the maximum
> capacity of each switch port input buffer.

OVS ports themselves don't have buffers, so this is a question of your
NIC driver's buffering strategy.

> i know after the switch input buffer overflows then the switch sends
> the whole packet to the controller 

No, that's wrong.  Buffer overflow has nothing to do with sending
packets to the controller.

> and then the controller responses by sending packet out message which
> contains the whole packet and also the action.  i want to know how
> much data and at what rate should a host send data to overflow a
> switch port input buffer and if is it possible to change the switch
> port input buffers? is it possible to change the amount of time that a
> packet stays in buffer before timeouts?  thanks
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