Hi all,

I made some modifications in modules mostly concerning about flowmods and
actions, and when I ran "make", I got the following error message:

*include/openflow/nicira-ext.h:142: error at "/": parse error*
*make[2]: *** [include/openflow/nicira-ext.hstamp] Error 1*
*make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error1*

Here are all the modifications I made, which are for a new action called

*in include/openflow/openflow-1.3.h:*

enum ofp13_action_type {
    OFPAT13_OUTPUT       = 0,   /* Output to switch port. */
    OFPAT13_COPY_TTL_OUT = 11,  /* Copy TTL "outwards" -- from
                                   to outermost */

.../*other enums*/

    OFPAT13_POP_PBB      = 27,  /* Pop the outer PBB service tag (I-TAG) */
*  OFPAT13_FLAT         = 65535/*//new*/*

*//Action structure for FLAT.(new)*
*struct flat_action{*
* ovs_be16 type;                    /* experimenter,65535 */*
* ovs_be16 len;                     /* Length is 16. */*
* ovs_be32 experimenter;            /* experimenter type 0x1000. */*
* ovs_be16 subtype;                 /* subtype=1 */*
* ovs_be16 timeflake;               /* FLAT timeflake, 1 or 5 */*
* ovs_be32 port;                    /* Output port. */*

*in lib/ofp-actions.h:*

#define OFPACTS                                                     \
    /* Output. */                                                   \
    DEFINE_OFPACT(OUTPUT,          ofpact_output,        ofpact)    \
    DEFINE_OFPACT(GROUP,           ofpact_group,         ofpact)    \
    DEFINE_OFPACT(CONTROLLER,      ofpact_controller,    ofpact)    \
    DEFINE_OFPACT(ENQUEUE,         ofpact_enqueue,       ofpact)    \
    DEFINE_OFPACT(OUTPUT_REG,      ofpact_output_reg,    ofpact)    \
    DEFINE_OFPACT(BUNDLE,          ofpact_bundle,        slaves)    \

...(other definitions)

    /* Instructions */                                              \
    DEFINE_OFPACT(METER,           ofpact_meter,         ofpact)    \
    DEFINE_OFPACT(CLEAR_ACTIONS,   ofpact_null,          ofpact)    \
    DEFINE_OFPACT(WRITE_ACTIONS,   ofpact_nest,          ofpact)    \
    DEFINE_OFPACT(WRITE_METADATA,  ofpact_metadata,      ofpact)    \
    DEFINE_OFPACT(GOTO_TABLE,      ofpact_goto_table,    ofpact) \
*    /*//FLAT(new) */                                                  \*
*  DEFINE_OFPACT(FLAT,            ofpact_flat,          ofpact)*

* **
* * Used for OFPAT_FLAT. */*
*struct ofpact_flat{*
*    struct ofpact ofpact;*
*    ovs_be32 experimenter;            /* experimenter type 0x1000. */*
*    ovs_be16 subtype;                 /* subtype=1 */*
*    ovs_be16 timeflake;               /* FLAT timeflake, 1 or 5 */*
*    ofp_port_t port;                  /* Output port. */*

*in lib/ofp-actions.c:*

union ofp_action {
    ovs_be16 type;
    struct ofp_action_header header;
    struct ofp_action_vendor_header vendor;
    struct ofp10_action_output output10;
    struct ofp_action_vlan_vid vlan_vid;

.../*other objects*/

    struct nx_action_mpls_label mpls_label;
    struct nx_action_mpls_tc mpls_tc;
*    struct flat_action flat;//new*

*in lib/ofp-util.def:*

#ifndef OFPAT13_ACTION
OFPAT13_ACTION(OFPAT13_OUTPUT,       ofp11_action_output,    0, "output")
OFPAT13_ACTION(OFPAT13_COPY_TTL_OUT, ofp_action_header,      0,

...(other definitions)

OFPAT13_ACTION(OFPAT13_POP_PBB,      ofp_action_header,      0, "pop_pbb")
*OFPAT13_ACTION(OFPAT13_FLAT,         flat_action,            0,

So I didn't change nicira-ext.h at all, but I just can't see where the
error is. Can you help me with that?

Any help would be appreciated.


Haosen Wen

Beijing Foreign Studies University
Addr: 2nd Xisanhuan North Ave., Haidian Dist., Beijing, China
E-Mail: wenhao...@gmail.com
Tel: 86-183-1003-2269
Site: http://www.hensen-wen.cn
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