Jarno, it seems likely that this has something to do with the
transactional classifier implementation.  Do you think so?  Do you have
any idea why deletions would be so slow?



On Mon, Apr 11, 2016 at 09:51:45PM +0000, Maurya, Alok Kumar (HP Networking) 
> Hi All,
> I am  seeing that  in OVS  2.4 and  ovs 2.5   Bulk flow  deletion  is  taking 
>  huge  time  more  than  (30 mins)  compared  to  ovs 2.3  where  it  used to 
>  take  1-2  secs .
> Below are steps  which I am  following to   reproduce the  issue :
> 1. Add  200K Flows
> ####### Sample Script  to  add  200 K Flows   ######
> echo "Adding 200K Flows"
> date
> for v in {1..20}
> do
> for i in {1..250}
>    do
>      for j in {1..40}
>        do
>          ovs-ofctl add-flow br-int 
> hard_timeout=0,idle_timeout=0,priority=10,ip,cookie=0x5c38cfa3a668$v,table=0,dl_dst=fa:16:3e:af:69:a3,dl_vlan=$v,nw_src=9.16.$i.$j/32,in_port=1,actions=output:1
>        done
>    done
> done
> date
> echo "Flows are added"
> echo "Dump-Flows"
> ovs-ofctl dump-flows br-int |wc
> date
> ########   End  Script   ####
> 2. Try to delete  10 k Flows  ()
> ovs-ofctl del-flows br-int dl_vlan=1
> 3. Above  command  gets  executed  successfully , but  looks  like deletion 
> keep on happening in background .
> 4.  It   takes  more  than  30  mins  to  complete it ,  during  this  period 
>  if  anyone  executes any of  below  command  it  hangs  without any output .
> ovs-ofctl dump-flows br-int
> or
> ovs-ofctl show br-int
> 5.  This  issue  is not seen  in ovs 2.3
> Is  there any solution for  this  issue ?
> Thanks & Regards,
> Alok

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