On Thu, Mar 31, 2016 at 1:15 PM, John McDowall <
jmcdow...@paloaltonetworks.com> wrote:
> I was hoping to have a broad informal meetup at Openstack Summit – I agree
> with keeping everything in the open. I was hoping to get some additional
> use cases from interested parties as it will help focus our efforts.

That sounds great.  Don't let me hold you back from doing so by not being
there.  I know that there are several other people interested in this.

> I will work on the four items – a good plan. I assume that for 2 we are
> proposing an additional table in the ovn-nb – table 4 in the ingress path?

Yes, I think so, anyway.

> For the  more distributed cases I see three scenarios:
>    1. All applications and VNF's in the same subnet – this currently
>    works with no problems.
>    2. Application being inserted and VNF’s in the same subnet and other
>    applications on remote subnets – I think this will work with some changes
>    to support routing.
>    3. VNF’s in a subnet and applications on different subnets. We
>    discussed this internally and can see this is a valid use case; user might
>    want to centralize all VNF’s for management/admin or specific hardware
>    allocation reasons, though “network tromboning" would be an issue. I think
>    it could be addressed with some additional parameters but I have not dug
>    into it deeply yet.
>    4. Any others?
> That sounds reasonable to me.

Russell Bryant
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