
From: discuss [] On Behalf Of shanghai
Sent: Sunday, March 20, 2016 8:26 AM
Subject: [ovs-discuss] userspace openvswitch

Dear there,
Thanks for your time, i want to know that  whether the version 2.5.0  
openvswitch can  work in userspace totaly,
[Sugesh] 2.5.0 supports userspace datapath.
if it does, why i can add bridge with tool ovs-vsctl on version 1.11.0, but 
failed on the latest version,
[Sugesh] What error you are getting?
which remind me to load the kernel module, how could i solve this problem. I am 
really looking forward to hear from you.
[Sugesh] No need to load  ovs kernel module for userspace datapath.

Best regards,
Yugang .

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