Test Case:
Port bond12
    Interface "eth1"
    Interface "eth2"

1. generate random packets, and send them out of bond12 ==> load balance on
eth1 and eth2.
2. ip link set eth1 down  ==>  all packets go to eth2 (ovs-appctl bond/show)
3. ip link set eth1 up    ==>  after quite a long time, still no packet
goes to eth1.
After I look into the code "choose_entry_to_migrate" and do some debug, I
think here is the reason:

In this case, the value of paramter "to_tx_bytes" of function
"choose_entry_to_migrate" is 0.
Assume total tx_bytes on bond12 (from->tx_bytes ) is A, tx_bytes of entry n
(entries[n]->tx_bytes) is Tn,
If all Tn > A*19/20 or < A/20, then no entry will be choosed to mirgrate.

I think we should have an improvement on it.
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