> On Feb 24, 2016, at 11:29 PM, Paulose Saumya <saumya.paul...@aalto.fi> wrote:
> Thank you for the reply.
> One more problem is that my controller is not able to fetch all these table 
> details and display them in the controller UI. After fetching about 150 table 
> details, it stops and connection between them gets idle.
> Controller UI shows the switch, but not any details or flows or groups.
> Even though I can see all details in command line, controller UI is not 
> showing any details. That was also one reason I thought of reducing the 
> number. 

I assume the command line utility that you're using is "ovs-ofctl dump-flows".  
If that's the case, it's just using OpenFlow over a local socket.  Since your 
controller is likely using OpenFlow, too, it might be worth looking at your 


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