Hi Joe,

Sorry for taking so long to get back to this.
> On Nov 23, 2015, at 6:54 PM, Joe Stringer <j...@ovn.org> wrote:
> On 20 November 2015 at 10:05, Keith Holleman <keith.holle...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Follow-up email here has the backtrace for the second method of
>> reproduction.  In this case the bridge is not deleted, it was using the loop
>> logic of effectively these commands:
> <snip>
> Thanks a lot for the report!
> Would you be able to apply these two patches and see if they fix the
> issue you are observing?
> https://patchwork.ozlabs.org/patch/541190/
> https://patchwork.ozlabs.org/patch/541191/

Now that your conntrack code has been committed, we decided to build off the 
“openvswitch/ovs” repo on Github.  I built the top of the “branch-2.5” branch 
as of this morning:


and still see the crash.  The patches listed above do not apply cleanly: it 
looks like much (although maybe not all?) of the logic is already committed.

Here’s what I see in /var/log/ovsswitchd.log:

2015-12-08T22:19:38.770Z|01159|bridge|INFO|bridge lan0: using datapath ID 
2015-12-08T22:19:38.770Z|01160|connmgr|INFO|lan0: added service controller 
2015-12-08T22:19:38.842Z|01161|dpif|WARN|system@ovs-system: failed to flow_del 
(No such file or directory) ufid:7580e732-908d-4134-9ca9-f6887195c2ae 
2015-12-08T22:19:38.842Z|01162|util|EMER|lib/cmap.c:846: assertion ok failed in 
2015-12-08T22:19:39.175Z|00002|daemon_unix(monitor)|ERR|1 crashes: pid 978 
died, killed (Aborted), core dumped, restarting

System information:

# ovs-ofctl --version
ovs-ofctl (Open vSwitch) 2.5.0
Compiled Dec  8 2015 12:16:49
OpenFlow versions 0x1:0x4

# uname -a
Linux cd25 3.10.20-rt14-copilot #1 SMP Tue Dec 8 12:11:17 PST 2015 mips64 

Please let us know what other information we can provide to help figure this 


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