

I wanted to reach out once more since I really think we'd both do well in a 


Insticator’s easy to embed technology for publishers instantly boosts site 
revenue and engagement by empowering a fun socially competitive trivia platform 
that lets fans compete and chat all within a web or mobile experience. As 
visitors engage, more ads are shown generating additional impressions and 


Here is an example of one of our current partner embeds: Cheeseheadtv.com 
(righthand sidebar in the middle of the page).


I'd love to setup a time to speak about how we can work together.  Are you free 
to speak sometime this week?




On 2015-11-27 13:00:00 UTC, Aly Lockart <a...@insticator.co> wrote:


We would love to build an advertising partnership with you. Insticator’s 
customizable technology boosts revenue and engagement by helping users have 
fun. Are you around this week for a brief phone or Skype meeting?



On 2015-11-20 13:00:00 UTC, Aly Lockart <a...@insticator.co> wrote:

Growing your revenue has never been so easy. We last left the discussion on how 
Insticator, a leading technology platform can help you earn more revenue.
3 Easy Steps can get you more revenue.
Create an account at Insticator.com 
Copy and Paste your unique embed code onto your site
Create, Engage, Earn Revenue now!
If you have 10 minutes, I can you show how Insticator helps you earn more 
revenue. You can find my Business Development Manager's schedule HERE 
You can also learn more at Insticator.com 

On 2015-11-18 13:00:00 UTC, Aly Lockart <a...@insticator.co> wrote:

I haven’t heard back from you and that tells me one of three things:
1. You’re already making so much money that making more does not interest you - 
and if that’s the case please let me know so I can stop bothering you.
2. You’re still interested but haven’t had time to get back to me yet.
3. You’ve fallen and can’t get up - in that case, let me know and I’ll call 911.
Please let me know which one it is because I’m starting to worry. Thanks in 
advance and looking forward to hearing from you.

On 2015-11-16 13:00:00 UTC, Aly Lockart <a...@insticator.co> wrote:

Last month, over 100 Insticator partners earned 10X their previous revenue and 
tracked a 40% increase of site engagement.
We last left the discussion on how implementing our technology on your site can 
help you earn more revenue. 
If you have 10 minutes I can show how Insticator helps you earn more revenue. 
You can find my Business Development Manager's schedule HERE 
You can also learn more about at Insticator.com 

On 2015-11-13 13:00:00 UTC, Aly Lockart <a...@insticator.co> wrote:


Our team was on your site today and we're very interested in pursuing an 
advertising partnership with you.  Are you free for a phone call sometime next 


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