Hi All,

I am working on ovs-2.3.2 using openflow13, facing an issue regarding
setting check_overlap.
I am adding flow entry with check_overlap flag after that send multipart
flow stats request
and getting reply with field "flags": 0 which means that no flag is set.

Adding flow entry:

ovs-ofctl -O Openflow13 add-flow br0 "in_port=2, priority=22, check_overlap

Multipart Reply:

{"52236564475": [{"actions": ["OUTPUT:4294967293"], "idle_timeout": 0,
"cookie": 0, "packet_count": 0,  "hard_timeout": 0, "byte_count": 0,
"length": 88, "duration_nsec": 795000000, "priority": 22,  "duration_sec":
23, "table_id": 0, "flags": 0, "match": {"in_port": 2}}]

Is this behavior is correct ???

Manpreet Singh
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