Your analysis is very good !
What I want to get is that VM-A (or VM-B,C,D) runs on a separate VM  but if
it is not feasible, I can adapt my scenario to the last figure you made :
VM-A      VM-B          VM-C      VM-D
  |        |              |        |
HostMachineVM1          HostMachineVM2
  w/ OVS                  w/ OVS
    |                        |
    |                        |
I am using Ubuntu and VirtualBox. If you recommand other distribution/tool
I will change my environment.
Now could you please tell me how shall I proceed to ensure the connection
in my topology ?

Thanks in advance.

2015-11-23 17:11 GMT+01:00 Scott Lowe <>:

> Please see my responses inline, prefixed by [SL].
> > On Nov 23, 2015, at 8:59 AM, David Gabriel <>
> wrote:
> >
> > Dear Scott,
> >
> > Thanks for reactivity.
> > Since I have only one physical machine so I want to create inside it :
> > 1- One VM representing OVS switch #1
> > 2- One VM representing OVS switch #2
> > 3- One VM representing the host machine #1 connected to OVS switch #1
> > 4- One VM representing the host machine #2 connected to OVS switch #2
> >
> > Then I have to ensure the connection between my 2 switches in one hand.
> On the other hand I have to connect switch #1 to host #1. And I have to do
> same witch switch 2 and host2
> > My scenario may be unusual but I have a limitation regarding physical
> equipment availability.
> >
> >     c1                  c2
> >        |                  |
> >        |                  |
> >        |                |
> >     |ovs1|--------------|ovs2|
> >        |                  |
> >        |                  |
> >        |                  |
> > HostMachine1   HostMachine2
> [SL] Before we go any further let's make sure we understand that OVS
> generally exists *inside* the hosts, so your diagram would typically look
> something more like this:
> HostMachine1            HostMachine2
>   w/ OVS                  w/ OVS
>     |                        |
>     |                        |
>     +----Physical network----+
> In your case, you want to run all this virtual because you have limited
> physical hardware. No problem. The diagram shifts slightly to look like
> this:
> HostMachineVM1          HostMachineVM2
>   w/ OVS                  w/ OVS
>     |                        |
>     |                        |
>     +-------Hypervisor-------+
> In this case, "hypervisor" could be Linux+KVM, Linux+Xen, ESXi, or any
> number of hosted type 2 hypervisors (VirtualBox, Fusion, Workstation,
> etc.). *IF* the hypervisor is a Linux variant, then you can use OVS there
> to provide connectivity between the VMs; otherwise, you are limited to
> whatever the hypervisor provides.
> Taking this to the next level...*IF* your hypervisor supports what is
> known as nested virtualization, then you can run VMs inside the VMs so it
> looks something like this:
> VM-A      VM-B          VM-C      VM-D
>   |        |              |        |
> HostMachineVM1          HostMachineVM2
>   w/ OVS                  w/ OVS
>     |                        |
>     |                        |
>     +-------Hypervisor-------+
> In this sort of configuration, you can use OVS (inside HostMachineVM1 and
> HostMachineVM2) to provide networking connectivity to the nested VMs (VM-A
> through VM-D).
> I *think* this last scenario is probably what you're seeking to do, but I
> could be wrong.
> Does this help at all?
> > 2015-11-23 16:42 GMT+01:00 Scott Lowe <>:
> > Please see my response below.
> >
> >
> > On Nov 23, 2015, at 8:37 AM, David Gabriel <>
> wrote:
> >>
> >> Dears,
> >>
> >> I am lookig to define a basic topology including 2 OVS switches and 2
> hosts (each host is connected to one switch). These 4 components (switches
> ans hosts) are running in one separate VM. Please tell me how to connect
> them in order to ensure the communication in my basic network.
> >> I checked so many links in the Internet but I didn't find a holistic
> tutorial ...
> >> Regarding the controller I learn how to set it.
> >
> >
> > Generally speaking, OVS runs *in* the host, so I'm a bit unclear on what
> you're trying to achieve. Can you elaborate so that we can try to help you?
> --
> Scott
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