Both paper and explanation were most helpful. Thank you. Solved the issue.

> I'll try to explain a typical dataflow...
> A packet arrives at the Host, goes to the vswitch. If there's no matching
> entry in the datapath flows CACHE, implemented in the ovs kernel datapath
> module, then the packet is sent to the user space controller - vswitchd.
> However, If there's a cached entry then it's switched according to the
> matching action.
> When the packet arrives the user space vswitchd (due to a cache miss as
> explained above), this is the entity that implements the openflow stack.
> The openflow implementation in the user space code uses multiple tables,
> priorities etc. to decide on what is the ACTION associated with the new
> flow, and then it translates the multiple tables/priorities etc into a
> DATAPATH flow - single flow (a collapse of all the relevant fields from
> the relevant openflow tables that lead to the specific action. So no now
> the result of the openflow vswitchd for the relevant flow at hand, is a
> single flow-spec (flat classifier - not multiple tables etc) and an
> action. At this point the ovswitchd installs this flow+action into the
> datapath module in the kernel and subsequent packets will be switched by
> the vswitch in the kernel.
> I hope this helps.
> - Tal
> -----Original Message-----
> From: discuss [] On Behalf Of
> Sent: Sunday, November 15, 2015 2:09 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [ovs-discuss] find the goto table instruction in the code
> Pardon my ignorance then, but it seems I got it wrong when I thought the
> main flow tables were in the Kernel. Then, if the main flows are stored in
> userspace, does that mean the data packets arrive directly to the
> userspace client code and treated there? Instead of arriving to some
> listener process in the kernel? I thought that packets arrive to the
> kernel code directly and if they, for example, are redirected to another
> port, the userspace doesn't even know the packet arrived or existed and no
> upcalls are generated.
> Can you shed some light please?
>>> On Nov 12, 2015, at 4:52 AM, wrote:
>>> Hi to all,
>>> I want to locate the code (I imagine it is inside of the Kernel
>>> module
>>> datapath) where when a flow is found, the instructions are executed,
>>> it finds the "goto table" instruction and redirects the packet to
>>> another table.
>> "goto table" is an entirely userspace concept.  The kernel flows are a
>> cache of recently seen flows and their associated actions with all the
>> table jumps removed.  Here's an entry from the FAQ that help explain
>> it:
>> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
>> Q: I hear OVS has a couple of kinds of flows. Can you tell me about
>> them?
>> A: Open vSwitch uses different kinds of flows for different purposes:
>>      • OpenFlow flows are the most important kind of flow. OpenFlow
>> controllers use these flows to define a switch's policy. OpenFlow
>> flows support wildcards, priorities, and multiple tables.
>> When in-band control is in use, Open vSwitch sets up a few "hidden"
>> flows, with priority higher than a controller or the user can
>> configure, that are not visible via OpenFlow. (See the "Controller"
>> section of the FAQ for more information about hidden flows.)
>>      • The Open vSwitch software switch implementation uses a second kind
>> of flow internally. These flows, called "datapath" or "kernel" flows,
>> do not support priorities and comprise only a single table, which
>> makes them suitable for caching. (Like OpenFlow flows, datapath flows
>> do support wildcarding, in Open vSwitch 1.11 and later.) OpenFlow
>> flows and datapath flows also support different actions and number ports
>> differently.
>> Datapath flows are an implementation detail that is subject to change
>> in future versions of Open vSwitch. Even with the current version of
>> Open vSwitch, hardware switch implementations do not necessarily use
>> this architecture.
>> Users and controllers directly control only the OpenFlow flow table.
>> Open vSwitch manages the datapath flow table itself, so users should
>> not normally be concerned with it.
>> -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
>> --Justin
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