Hi Murali,

On Thu, Oct 22, 2015 at 4:42 PM, Murali R <muralir...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am trying to debug the multi node ovn setup. I see the tunnels are
> created,  the associations seems to be done (port, datapath etc) in the db -
> however the overlay network ( is accessible only from the node
> running ovn-controller (even after attaching floating ip through neutron).

What do you mean by "the node running ovn-controller". Each node
should be running a ovn-controller. And the centralized one is called

> Even with neutron based setup, I don't see traffic across nodes. The VMs are
> created on 2 nodes. On controller node they can talk to each other but not
> across tunnel

If vms on same node can access each other, but not across tunnel, you
might check is tunnel set up properly. Did you see tunnel port in
ovs-dpctl show?

> How can I debug this? In nodes not running ovn, there are no api set
> working. Is it possible to crank up logs? I am lost. Please help.

Dump the southbound DB would help:
ovsdb-client dump OVN_Southbound

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