> -----Original Message-----
> From: discuss [mailto:discuss-boun...@openvswitch.org] On Behalf Of Benedikt
> Rudolph
> Sent: Wednesday, October 21, 2015 4:37 PM
> To: disc...@openvswitch.com
> Subject: [ovs-discuss] ovs dpdk low performance despite optimizations
> Hi all,
> in our test scenario we observe comparably low packet forwarding
> performance on a dpdk (2.0) enabled ovs (2.4) switch.
> The configuration is a single bridge (br0) with two dpdk enabled
> interfaces (10 Gbit/s each) as per the Install.DPDK.md example.
> We followed *thoroughly* all performance related optimization steps from
> the above document.

Did you catch the updates to that section on the mainline that were not in
the OVS 2.4 package?

> Nonetheless the best rate we could get is ca. 2 M packets/s  on each
> interface, which equals to about ca. 1.3 Gbit/s for 64byte sized packets.
> Our comparison is against the “l2fwd” example dpdk application. Using
> “l2fwd“ we can easily achieve 13 M packets /s in the same test
> configuration. The only indicator of something going wrong is a high
> count of ”errs“ packets in the output of “ovs-ofctl dump-ports”.
> In our first runs (using 2 pmd threads) we noticed a high pmd thread
> utilization as reported by the $ovs-appctl dpif-netdev/pmd-stats-show
> command. We made sure to clear the statistics after every observation to
> get an accurate report for the next interval. To mitigate this we
> allowed dpdk to use up to 8 cores on a 12 core (24 ht threads) cpu. We
> also set “other_config:n-dpdk-rxqs=20”. Now we observed “idle“ pmd
> threads but still the packet forwarding performance is limited to the
> above values.
> We also experimented with the amount of huge pages memory.
> Do you know of any *recent* reports on OVS dpdk performance? I found
> some papers on the old dpdk-vswitch versiont which claim much higher
> pkt. counts than I observed.
> What further debugging steps can I make? Below I include the output of
> “ovs-ofctl dump-ports br0" and “ovs-ofctl show br0"
> Note that the output of  says „Max Speed 1000” despite having 10 Gbit
> Interfaces attached. I am not sure wether this is an error.

I see the same, so not causing your poor performance.

> > $ovs-ofctl dump-ports br0
> > OFPST_PORT reply (xid=0x2): 3 ports
> >  port  2: rx pkts=5, bytes=925, drop=0, errs=0, frame=0, over=0, crc=0
> >           tx pkts=47128219, bytes=3016206016, drop=0, errs=0, coll=0
> >  port  1: rx pkts=47130239, bytes=3016335901, drop=0, errs=84435109,
> > frame=0, over=0, crc=0
> >           tx pkts=0, bytes=0, drop=0, errs=0, coll=0
> >  port LOCAL: rx pkts=0, bytes=0, drop=0, errs=0, frame=0, over=0, crc=0
> >           tx pkts=47128251, bytes=2827695060, drop=47128251, errs=0,
> > coll=0
> > $ovs-ofctl show  br0
> > OFPT_FEATURES_REPLY (xid=0x2): dpid:00005cb9018f16e0
> > n_tables:254, n_buffers:256
> > actions: output enqueue set_vlan_vid set_vlan_pcp strip_vlan
> > mod_dl_src mod_dl_dst mod_nw_src mod_nw_dst mod_nw_tos mod_tp_src
> > mod_tp_dst
> > 1(dpdk0): addr:5c:b9:01:xx:xx:xx
> >     config:     0
> >     state:      0
> >     current:    10GB-FD
> >     supported:  100MB-FD 1GB-HD 1GB-FD FIBER AUTO_NEG AUTO_PAUSE
> >     speed: 10000 Mbps now, 1000 Mbps max
> > 2(dpdk1): addr:5c:b9:01:xx:xx:xx
> >     config:     0
> >     state:      0
> >     current:    10GB-FD
> >     supported:  100MB-FD 1GB-HD 1GB-FD FIBER AUTO_NEG AUTO_PAUSE
> >     speed: 10000 Mbps now, 1000 Mbps max
> > LOCAL(br0): addr:5c:b9:01:xx:xx:xx
> >     config:     PORT_DOWN
> >     state:      LINK_DOWN
> >     current:    10MB-FD COPPER
> >     speed: 10 Mbps now, 0 Mbps max
> > OFPT_GET_CONFIG_REPLY (xid=0x4): frags=normal miss_send_len=0
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