Hello everyone,
                        So I have an experimental lab setup of multiple subnets 
which require to have traffic forwarding between them (only in the forward and 
backward directions ). 
i.e:                           Subnet1—> Subnet2 —> Subnet3   or    Subnet1 <— 
Subnet2 <— Subnet3 . 

The subnets are NOT connected to some router like typical network topologies. 
Each subnets consists of 2 hosts and and an OVS switch so that traffic can be 
forwarded between the subnets.

                                                Each subnet:                    
                            /     \
                           /        \
                        h1          h2

Now,  what is the best way to connect the OVS switches ? I was thinking of GRE 
tunnels (but I could be wrong), and also does the OVS GRE tunnelling have 
support for subnets ?  I thank you for your help :)

Thank you for your time,
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