Hey all,
                I want to create a small Software defined network using only 
VMs and I’ve run into an issue.. The topology is : Client —— S1 ——— S2 ——— S3 
—— Server   and the switches are controlled by a controller.  Each node is a VM 
with the switch nodes running OVS. I’m using VirtualBox Internal networking to 
set up the subnetting using a DHCP server.  I want to ping the server from the 
client and the packets should flow via the created topology. But when actually 
I do ping the server (from the client), it uses the subnet to directly reach 
the server without using the switches. I can’t make  S1 the client's default 
gateway because when I delete the DHCP rule table in the client I lose network 
connectivity. I’ve tried adding both the rule tables to the client and making 
S1 the default gateway, but even then it uses to the subnet to ping the server. 
How do I fix this problem? I appreciate your help on this.

Nishanth D
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