Hi Sundar,

Maybe the problem could be that you have to tell your br-int switch that the 
port that connects to enp1s0 is a trunk interface and carries VLAN 3.

Something like the following command issued in host 3 could do the job:

  ovs-vsctl set port enp1s0 trunk=3

Just in case it is useful, in VNX (Virtual Networks over linuX, 
http://vnx.dit.upm.es) site we have an example scenario using OVS and VLANs:


In section 4 in that page you can find the ovs-vsctl commands that VNX tool 
issues to create the scenario and configure VLANs.

Best regards,
David Fernández
Profesor Titular
Dpto. Ingeniería de Sistemas Telemáticos
E.T.S.I. Telecomunicación
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
e-mail: da...@dit.upm.es

> El 27/8/2015, a las 3:32, Sundar Nadathur <snada...@altera.com> escribió:
> Hi,
>    On two hosts running Centos 7.1, I have an eth interface each with VLAN 3 
> configured on top. These enp1s0.3 interfaces can ping each other.
> On a third host, also running Centos 7.1, I have configured an OVS br-int, 
> with enp1s0 as a port. To this, I added an internal port with tag 10:
> # ovs-vsctl add-port br-int vlan3 tag=3 -- set interface vlan3 type=internal
> # ifconfig vlan3 netmask … up
> Now, ifconfig and route commands show valid output, but we cannot ping the 
> other hosts.
> If I add enp1s0.3 as the physical interface instead of enp1s0, it makes no 
> difference. If I configure the IP directly on br-int, without a VLAN tag and 
> use enp1s0.3 as physical interface, that doesn’t work either. However, if I 
> configure the IP on enp1s0.3, I can then ping the other hosts, as expected.
> IOW, no configuration involving OVS is working with VLANs. But the direct 
> physical interface is able to reach out on VLAN 3. The external switch is 
> unmanaged.
> In all these cases, the relevant bridge and physical interfaces are “UP, 
> RUNNING” in ifconfig. The ‘systemctl status openvswitch’ shows it is running. 
>  Both ovsdb-server and ovs-vswitchd are running as root.
> What do I need to do to fix this?
> Cheers,
> Sundar
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