On Fri, Jul 31, 2015 at 08:03:41PM +0000, Ansari, Shad wrote:
> Ovsdb-idl notifies a client that "something" changed; it does not track 
> "what" changed. The client then typically either reconfigures itself by 
> scanning the idl to determine what changed, or - simply reloads the entire 
> idl. This presumably works since the ovs schema tables aren't typically large.
> In a use-case where ovsdb is used with a schema that can have very large 
> tables (imagine route table), the current ovsdb-idl notification mechanism 
> doesn't appear to scale - clients need to do a lot of processing to determine 
> the exact change delta.
> I would like to hear from others if they have any views/insights on how to 
> handle this scalability use-case. Obviously, this will require changes in 
> ovsdb-idl, possibly on the lines of:
> -        Supporting more granular sequence numbers (table, row, column)
> -        Giving client visibility to the update (so that the client can view 
> both the old, new data)

I'm welcome to discussion and proposals in this area.  I've expected for
years that we'd eventually need something like this for ovs-vswitchd
(although so far it isn't a big deal), and the same could be true for
ovn-controller as OVN begins to scale.
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