On Thu, Jul 23, 2015 at 01:41:45PM +0900, Minoru TAKAHASHI wrote:
> I plan to implement encoding function of ofp-util that unsupported now (ex. 
> QueueDescRequest, GroupDescStatsReply,,,).
> So, there are a few things that I would like to know.
>  * When I post, are there any implementation to be posted at the same time?
>     (testcase? decoding fuction? ...)
>  * If there is an implementation should be posted at the same time, 
>     is it possible to post the only encoding function as a first step?
>     (In other words, Is it possible to add encoding function only to ovs 
> repository?)

I don't see much value in implementing only part.  These are usually
quite simple pieces of code, and so usually I'd expect to see the
encoder, the decoder, a testcase for decoding in tests/ofp-print.at, an
implementation in ofproto/ofproto.c, code to use it in
utilities/ovs-ofctl.c, and a testcase that uses the new ovs-ofctl
functionality somewhere in tests/, all in one patch.  Commit
03c72922c2c7 (Implement OpenFlow 1.4+ OFPMP_TABLE_DESC message.) is a
recent example.

Sometimes there can be exceptions, of course.
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