Hi Folks

I would like to highlight the release of a new version of TOIT to the vSwitch 
Characterization project in OPNFV. 

TOIT was refactored to create a more generic framework that would allow for the 
performance testing of multiple vSwitches. 

**Refresh**: TOIT is an Apache licensed test framework that was developed in 
Python 2.7 to enable integration testing of Open vSwitch (OVS), and in 
particular the netdev-dpdk bridge in OVS. TOIT was adopted for the the 
"Characterize vSwitch Performance for Telco NFV Use Cases" OPNFV project 
(VSPERF). The main goal of VSPERF is to develop a generic and architecture 
agnostic vSwitch testing framework and associated tests that will serve as a 
basis for validating the suitability of different vSwitch implementations in 
Telco NFV environments. TOIT was extended as a starting point to help achieve 
the project goal. However, TOITs format was not generic enough to cater for 
different vSwitches and was redesigned/implemented to be more generic.

The new design allows developers to add different implementations of 
components, specifically vSwitches, Traffic Generators, Metrics Collectors and 
VNFs, easily. The goal of this design is that all testcases should run 
regardless of what is "under the hood".

The framework currently supports a phy to phy RFC2544 testcase only.

vSwitches supported at this time:
 * Open vSwitch (dpdk-netdev)
 * We plan on supporting the kernel datapath soon.

Traffic Generators supported at this time:
 * IxNet - IxNetwork Implementation
 * Ixia - IxExplorer Implementation
 * Dummy - Manual Implementation

Metrics Collectors supported at this time:
 * Linux Metrics

No VNFs are supported at this time but the framework outlines how they should 
be integrated and provides APIs for them to adhere to.

What's new in VSPERF:
  * CentOS7 support
  * Verified on CentOS7
  * Migrated to Python3

The code is available to view @ 
https://gerrit.opnfv.org/gerrit/gitweb?p=vswitchperf.git;a=tree or to clone 
from: https://gerrit.opnfv.org/gerrit/vswitchperf.

Setup guides are in the docs/ directory 

If there are any questions please drop me an email.

Best Regards, 

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