As following topology, two VMs communicate via Vxlan tunnel.
TCP pkts may be droped for exceeding the mtu of host DPDK port in br2.
Now I can change the VMs' mtu from default to smaller to accommodate the traffics, it works well.

The way I have not find to change mtu of DPDK phy port, is there a blueprint for supporting this by ovs, like "ovs-appctl netdev-dpdk/set-xxx" or another way?

        Host1                  |                     Host2
                    (l-ip)-   L3    -(r-ip)
-----   -----        -----     |     -----       -----  ----- -----
|VM1| --|br1|Vxlan --|br2|DPDK---DPDK|br2|--Vxlan|br2|--|br1|--|VM2|
-----   -----        -----     |     -----       -----  ----- -----

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