Please see my response below.

aravind C <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I am using the following setup to test interface bonding with OVS.
> VM1         |       VM2
> (     (
>    eth1 ========== eth1
>   /                                 \
>  /                                   \
> bond0                              bond0
>  \                                   /
>   \                                 /
>    eth2 ========== eth2
> (     (
> I can see that -
> 1. lacp status is negotiated
> 2. On both VMs initially eth1 is enabled and eth2 is the active slave
> Is my assumption wrong that I should be able to ping either of the
> bonded interfaces in VM2 from VM1?
> - ping shows that the currently active interface is used to send out requests.
> - tcpdump shows that the arp requests are received by the active
> interface in VM2. No reply is generated.
> Can anyone please explain what is wrong in my configuration?

Perhaps I'm completely misunderstanding what you're trying to accomplish here, 
but as I understand it you'd want the IP address assigned to the bond, not the 
individual interfaces that are members of the bond.


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