Hi all,
maybe mine is a silly question but it's getting me crazy!
My university gave me five VMs in a server to make some experiments with
So I have:
vm1 -> ODL Controller
vm2 -> OpenStack Controller
vm3 / vm4 -> Compute nodes
vm5 -> OVS

TO configure my environment I've followed the ODL's wiki about VTN, but I
still do not understand how to attach the VMs that represent the compute
nodes  to the switch.
 I have already set the Controller ODL (in fact with 'sudo ovs-vsctl
get-controller bridge' I can see the IP address and the port of my
controller). My problem remains how to connect my hosts  that are VM to the

If you need more clarification about the environment, please ask.

Thank you for your help.
Silvia Fichera
discuss mailing list

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