On Thu, Apr 30, 2015 at 11:37:58PM -0700, Vipin Garg wrote:
> 1.       In my switch, I do have any bridge interface (in linux kernel on
> physical switch ). So, is there a way to setup  controller IP address
> without bridge.CLI --  ovs-vsctl set-controller BRIDGE TARGET  -- requires
> BRIDGE as one of the parameter.
> Is there a workaround for this ?

OpenFlow controllers work with OpenFlow switches (bridges).  If you
don't have a switch, then it doesn't make any sense to tell OVS to
connect to a controller.

> 2.       What is  CLI -- ovs-vsctl set-manager --  command for ?  Which
> this CLI (with my controller IP set-manager tcp: ), I
> can see my switch on OpenDayLight  under ‘Connection Manager’ tab. What is
> this for and it this channel also use OpenFlow/OF-CONFIG protocol ?

There's a separate project developing OF-CONFIG for OVS.  See
https://github.com/openvswitch/of-config.  But Open Daylight also
supports OVSDB, which is the OVS native configuration protocol, so it
would be easier for you to use that.
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