Thanks Peter for the suggestion.
I tried the script, but what i am noticing is that the flow rules that the
script adds gets deleted very quickly. I tried adding idle_timeout=0
hard_timeout=0 to the flowrules to ensure that it never gets deleted. But
its not of use. How do i make a permanent flow entry in the flow table?

This is an example of flow rule additions from the script:

 call(['ovs-vsctl', 'set', 'bridge', switch,
        call(['ovs-ofctl', '-O', 'OpenFlow13', 'add-flow', switch, 'table=0
priority=100 idle_timeout=0 hard_timeout=0 actions=goto_table:1 '])


On Sun, Mar 15, 2015 at 9:17 AM, Peter Phaal <> wrote:

> The script described in the following article provides an
> example that you could modify for your OpenDaylight setup.
> You need to find a way to prevent the controller from flushing openflow
> rules on startup for this approach to work. There are efforts to support
> hybrid openflow in OpenDaylight
> Peter Phaal
> InMon Corp.
> > On Mar 14, 2015, at 11:42 PM, Lavanya M.K <> wrote:
> >
> > Hi All,
> >
> > I want to have static ECMP configuration in openvswitches used in a fat
> tree topology DCN(simulated in Mininet). The first packet should not be
> sent to the controller. Can i do this by ovs commands to install flow rules
> into group table?
> > The controller version i am using is OpenDayLight Hydrogen, which does
> not support writing into group table.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Lavanya
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