> On Dec 16, 2014, at 8:03 AM, 邓尧 <tors...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I finally implemented these flows, and they work pretty well. But I run into 
> some other problems:
> 1. How to make the flows persistent across reboot ? Current I wrote some 
> shell scripts, and invoke them from /etc/rc.local. Is there any other 
> solution ?

You can't do that within OVS itself.  You either need to use a shell script or 
a controller.

> 2. How OpenFlow ports are mapped to OpenvSwitch ports ? Currently I can only 
> get the mapping by using command "ovs-ofctl show vs0", fortunately the 
> mapping is fixed across reboot. Can I remap those ports manually, so I can 
> assign a more meaningful (OpenFlow port) number to the  GRE tunnel port ?

Take a look at the "ofport_request" documentation in ovs-vswitchd.conf.db.


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