We have tried the patch in our use cases, and now the multiple Mpls
Pop(s) work well. Now we will continue with the testing.

Thank you Pravin for the support,
Pier Luigi

2014-12-03 0:28 GMT+01:00 Pravin Shelar <pshe...@nicira.com>:
> Can you try attached patch?
> Thanks,
> Pravin.
> On Tue, Nov 25, 2014 at 1:38 AM, Stefano Salsano
> <stefano.sals...@uniroma2.it> wrote:
>> Il 25/11/2014 00:37, Pravin Shelar ha scritto:
>> [...]
>>> Multiple MPLS PUSH and pop should be handled without userspace action.
>>> multiple MPLS PUSH can be a single action, kernel datapath support
>>> this operation. Multiple POP can be handled by recirculating after
>>> every MPLS POP action.
>>> If you are going to investigate it more
>>> ofpact_needs_recirculation_after_mpls() should be looked at. Fix it to
>>> return true for multiple MPLS pop.
>> Hi Pravin,
>> we understood that maximum number of MPLS labels that the kernel can handle
>> is 1... at startup the module probes the maximum number of MPLS labels and
>> the uses this information to decide weather to handle with userspace action
>> or not
>> how can we change the maximum number of MPLS labels that the kernel can
>> handle, so that when probing the module will find a value greater than 1 ?
>> thank you
>> Stefano & Pier Luigi
>>>> thank you
>>>> Stefano & Pier Luigi
>>>>> *****************************************************************
>>>>> Detailed Report of the problem sent on 18/11/2014
>>>>> 1) recirculation does not work properly when there are
>>>>> two or more mpls_pop, let us compare what happens in our system when
>>>>> using the kernel datapath (not working) or the userspace netdev datapath
>>>>> (working)
>>>>> we are using this reference topology
>>>>> h1---peo1----peo2---h2
>>>>> h1 source node, peo1 ingress node, peo2 egress node, h2 dest node
>>>>> in peo1, we report the rules shown with ovs-ofctl (obviously they are
>>>>> the same with kernel and netdev datapath)
>>>>> peo1:
>>>>> -> cookie=0x0, duration=185.672s, table=0, n_packets=178, n_bytes=17444,
>>>>> ip,in_port=2
>>>>> actions=push_mpls:0x8847,set_field:262144->mpls_label,push_mpls:0x8847,set_field:524292->mpls_label,goto_table:1
>>>>> -> cookie=0x0, duration=185.617s, table=1, n_packets=178, n_bytes=17444,
>>>>> mpls,in_port=2,mpls_label=524292 actions=output:1
>>>>> recirculation causes the installation of flows that are not visible with
>>>>> the ovs-ofctl command, so we use ovs-appctl
>>>>> (sudo ovs-appctl dpif/dump-flows peo1)
>>>>> the result is different with kernel and netdev datapath:
>>>>> kernel datapath:
>>>>> -> recirc_id(0),in_port(2),eth_type(0x0800),
>>>>> ipv4(tos=0/0xfc,ttl=64,frag=no), packets:14, bytes:1372, used:0.692s,
>>>>> actions:userspace(pid=4294959673,slow_path(action))
>>>>> netdev datapath:
>>>>> -> recirc_id(0),in_port(2),eth_type(0x0800),
>>>>> ipv4(tos=0/0xfc,ttl=64,frag=no), packets:17, bytes:1666, used:0.664s,
>>>>> actions:push_mpls(label=262144,tc=0,ttl=64,bos=1,eth_type=0x8847),push_mpls(label=524292,tc=0,ttl=64,bos=0,eth_type=0x8847),1
>>>>> we note that with kernel datapath, there is a fallback to userspace
>>>>> processing that is triggered when multiple PUSH operation are requested
>>>>> in peo2, we report the rules shown with ovs-ofctl (obviously they are
>>>>> the same with kernel and netdev datapath)
>>>>> peo2:
>>>>> -> cookie=0x0, duration=621.359s, table=0, n_packets=284, n_bytes=30104,
>>>>> mpls,in_port=1 actions=goto_table:1
>>>>> ->  cookie=0x0, duration=621.299s, table=1, n_packets=284,
>>>>> n_bytes=30104, mpls,in_port=1,mpls_label=524292
>>>>> actions=pop_mpls:0x8847,resubmit(,1)
>>>>> -> cookie=0x0, duration=621.184s, table=1, n_packets=284, n_bytes=30104,
>>>>> mpls,in_port=1,mpls_label=262144,mpls_bos=1
>>>>> actions=pop_mpls:0x0800,output:2
>>>>> recirculation causes the installation of flows that are not visible with
>>>>> the ovs-ofctl command, so we use ovs-appctl
>>>>> (sudo ovs-appctl dpif/dump-flows peo1)
>>>>> the result is different with kernel and netdev datapath:
>>>>> kernel datapath:
>>>>> netdev datapath:
>>>>> -> recirc_id(0),in_port(4),eth_type(0x8847),
>>>>> mpls(lse0=0x80004040/0xfffff100, lse1=0x40000140/0xffffffff),
>>>>> packets:5, bytes:530, used:0.720s,
>>>>> actions:pop_mpls(eth_type=0x8847),pop_mpls(eth_type=0x800),5
>>>>> peo2 is the egress node where we execute the double pop, it seems that
>>>>> something is preventing the installation of the "recirculation" flows
>>>>> when using the kernel datapath
>>>>> We have also checked the ovs-vswitchd log and when we activate the
>>>>> kernel datapath, we see these warning messages:
>>>>> -> |WARN|system@ovs-system: failed to put[create] (Invalid argument)
>>>>> recirc_id(0),dp_hash(0/0),skb_priority(0/0),in_port(4),skb_mark(0/0),eth(src=e6:da:61:3a:f5:81/00:00:00:00:00:00,dst=0a:a5:58:7d:1c:12/00:00:00:00:00:00),eth_type(0x8847),mpls(label=524292/0xfffff,tc=0/0,ttl=64/0x0,bos=0/1),
>>>>> actions:pop_mpls(eth_type=0x8847),pop_mpls(eth_type=0x800),5
>>>>> -> |WARN|system@ovs-system: execute pop_mpls(eth_type=0x8847),
>>>>> pop_mpls(eth_type=0x800),5 failed
>>>>> (Invalid argument) on packet mpls,in_port=0,vlan_tci=0x0000,
>>>>> dl_src=e6:da:61:3a:f5:81,dl_dst=0a:a5:58:7d:1c:12,mpls_label=524292,
>>>>> mpls_tc=0,mpls_ttl=64,mpls_bos=0,mpls_lse1=1073742144
>>>>> These messages explain also the absence of the "recirculation flows",
>>>>> even if in our mininet emulation scenario there is a single ovs-vswitchd
>>>>> instance, we can refer these messages to peo2 from the "output port"
>>>>> We also noted at the beginning of the vswitchd-log these messages:
>>>>> When using the Kernel datapath:
>>>>> 2014-11-17T19:09:23.698Z|00029|ofproto_dpif|INFO|system@ovs-system:
>>>>> MPLS label stack length probed as 1
>>>>> When using the userspace netdev datapath:
>>>>> 2014-11-17T19:17:37.697Z|00069|ofproto_dpif|INFO|netdev@ovs-netdev:
>>>>> MPLS label stack length probed as 3
>>>>> We have checked in the ovs code, this print is generated by the
>>>>> function static size_t check_max_mpls_depth(struct dpif_backer
>>>>> *backer), this function tries to probe the stack length...
>>>>> we would like to understand what is behind this limitation... why in our
>>>>> system the stack length for the kernel datapath is limited to 1 ?
>>>>> does the stack length depend on some features provided by the
>>>>> system/kernel? is there some kernel version without this limitation?
>>>>> assuming that we have this limitation, our understanding is that this
>>>>> control does not prevent to PUSH three mpls label because the packet is
>>>>> sent to the userspace ovs-switchd as a fallback (and the packet is
>>>>> correctly created and forwarded)... is this correct?
>>>>> if this is the case, it seems that the same fallback is not activated in
>>>>> case of multiple POP operations (>=2 POPs) the system tries to execute
>>>>> the multiple POPs in the kernel but it generates the error messages
>>>>> listed above and no packet is forwarded
>>>>> End Detailed Report of the problem
>>>>> *****************************************************************
>>>>>>> We have replicated the problem in a simple mininet setup (script
>>>>>>> attached) with four nodes connected as follows:
>>>>>>> h1---peo1----peo2---h2
>>>>>>> h1 source node, peo1 ingress node, peo2 egress node, h2 dest node
>>>>>>> - h1 pings h2 (automatic static arp table are used, so there is no
>>>>>>> ARP)
>>>>>>> - peo1 pushes two mpls labels in the packet
>>>>>>> - peo2 is supposed to pop the two labels and forward the packet as IP
>>>>>>> we have a rule to match the outer label, POP it and resubmit as MPLS
>>>>>>> packet:
>>>>>>> actions=pop_mpls:0x8847,resubmit(,1)
>>>>>>> then we have a rule to match the inner label,  POP it and output on
>>>>>>> a port as an IP packet:
>>>>>>> actions=pop_mpls:0x0800,output:11
>>>>>>> both rules match (and the first pop works), but then the packet
>>>>>>> does not exit from the port 11
>>>>>>> we have also tried without success to recirculate the packet
>>>>>>> implicitly after the first pop, replacing the first action with:
>>>>>>> actions=pop_mpls:0x8847
>>>>>>> Can anyone help us to identify the problem ? Are we doing something
>>>>>>> wrong or is it a bug?
>>>>>>> The mininet script to setup the topology and create the rules in
>>>>>>> order to reproduce the problem is attached.
>>>>>>> Some details are reported hereafter for the scenario with explicit
>>>>>>> resubmit.
>>>>>>> thank you in advance for your help...
>>>>>>> ciao
>>>>>>> Stefano
>>>>>>> - peo1 flow table
>>>>>>> OFPST_FLOW reply (OF1.3) (xid=0x2):
>>>>>>> duration=275.553s, table=0, n_packets=58, n_bytes=5684,ip,in_port=2
>>>>>>> actions=push_mpls:0x8847,set_field:262144->mpls_label,push_mpls:0x8847,set_field:524292->mpls_label,goto_table:1
>>>>>>> duration=275.493s,table=1,n_packets=58,n_bytes=5684,mpls,in_port=2,mpls_label=524292
>>>>>>> actions=output:1
>>>>>>> - peo2 flow table
>>>>>>> OFPST_FLOW reply (OF1.3) (xid=0x2):
>>>>>>> duration=317.678s,table=0,n_packets=58,n_bytes=6148,mpls,in_port=1
>>>>>>> actions=goto_table:1
>>>>>>> duration=317.618s,table=1,n_packets=58,n_bytes=6148,mpls,in_port=1,mpls_label=524292
>>>>>>> actions=pop_mpls:0x8847,resubmit(,1)
>>>>>>> duration=317.559s,table=1,n_packets=58,n_bytes=6148,mpls,in_port=1,mpls_label=262144,mpls_bos=1
>>>>>>> actions=pop_mpls:0x0800,output:2
>>>>>>> NB If the interfaces created by Mininet in the root namespace happen
>>>>>>> to be down, stop the Network Manager and then restart the experiment
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> *******************************************************************
>>>>>>> Stefano Salsano
>>>>>>> Professore Associato
>>>>>>> Dipartimento Ingegneria Elettronica
>>>>>>> Universita' di Roma Tor Vergata
>>>>>>> Via del Politecnico, 1 - 00133 Roma - ITALY
>>>>>>> http://netgroup.uniroma2.it/Stefano_Salsano/
>>>>>>> E-mail  : stefano.sals...@uniroma2.it
>>>>>>> Cell.   : +39 320 4307310
>>>>>>> Office  : (Tel.) +39 06 72597770  (Fax.) +39 06 72597435
>>>>>>> *******************************************************************
>>>>>>> #!/usr/bin/python
>>>>>>> import subprocess
>>>>>>> from mininet.net import Mininet
>>>>>>> from mininet.node import Host, OVSKernelSwitch, Node
>>>>>>> from mininet.cli import CLI
>>>>>>> from mininet.log import lg, info
>>>>>>> def setup():
>>>>>>>      lg.setLogLevel('info')
>>>>>>>      net = Mininet(switch=OVSKernelSwitch, build=False,
>>>>>>> autoStaticArp=True )
>>>>>>>      host1 = net.addHost("h1")
>>>>>>>      host2 = net.addHost("h2")
>>>>>>>      peo1 = net.addSwitch("peo1")
>>>>>>>      peo2 = net.addSwitch("peo2")
>>>>>>>      net.addLink(peo1, peo2) # 1 | 1
>>>>>>>      net.addLink(host1, peo1)# N/A | 2
>>>>>>>      net.addLink(host2, peo2)# N/A | 2
>>>>>>>      net.start()
>>>>>>>      #PEO1 Configuration
>>>>>>>      root = Node( 'root', inNamespace=False )
>>>>>>>      root.cmd('ovs-vsctl --no-wait set bridge %s protocols=OpenFlow13'
>>>>>>> %(peo1.name))
>>>>>>>      root.cmd('ovs-ofctl -O OpenFlow13 add-flow %s
>>>>>>> "table=0,hard_timeout=0,priority=32768,in_port=2,eth_type=0x800,actions=push_mpls:0x8847,set_field:262144->mpls_label,push_mpls:0x8847,set_field:524292->mpls_label,goto_table:1"'
>>>>>>> %(peo1.name))
>>>>>>>      root.cmd('ovs-ofctl -O OpenFlow13 add-flow %s
>>>>>>> "table=1,hard_timeout=0,priority=32768,in_port=2,eth_type=0x8847,mpls_label=524292,action=output:1"'
>>>>>>> %(peo1.name))
>>>>>>>      #PEO2 Configuration
>>>>>>>      root.cmd('ovs-vsctl --no-wait set bridge %s protocols=OpenFlow13'
>>>>>>> %(peo2.name))
>>>>>>>      root.cmd('ovs-ofctl -O OpenFlow13 add-flow %s
>>>>>>> "table=0,hard_timeout=0,priority=32768,in_port=1,eth_type=0x8847,actions=goto_table=1"'
>>>>>>> %(peo2.name))
>>>>>>>      root.cmd('ovs-ofctl -O OpenFlow13 add-flow %s
>>>>>>> "table=1,hard_timeout=0,priority=32768,in_port=1,eth_type=0x8847,mpls_label=524292,action=pop_mpls:0x8847,resubmit(,1)"'
>>>>>>> %(peo2.name))
>>>>>>>      root.cmd('ovs-ofctl -O OpenFlow13 add-flow %s
>>>>>>> "table=1,hard_timeout=0,priority=32768,in_port=1,eth_type=0x8847,mpls_label=262144,mpls_bos=1,action=pop_mpls:0x800,output:2"'
>>>>>>> %(peo2.name))
>>>>>>>      CLI(net)
>>>>>>>      net.stop()
>>>>>>>      subprocess.call(["sudo", "mn", "-c"], stdout=None, stderr=None)
>>>>>>> if __name__ == '__main__':
>>>>>>>      setup()
>>>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>>>> discuss mailing list
>>>>>>> discuss@openvswitch.org
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>>>> --
>>>> *******************************************************************
>>>> Stefano Salsano
>>>> Professore Associato
>>>> Dipartimento Ingegneria Elettronica
>>>> Universita' di Roma Tor Vergata
>>>> Via del Politecnico, 1 - 00133 Roma - ITALY
>>>> http://netgroup.uniroma2.it/Stefano_Salsano/
>>>> E-mail  : stefano.sals...@uniroma2.it
>>>> Cell.   : +39 320 4307310
>>>> Office  : (Tel.) +39 06 72597770  (Fax.) +39 06 72597435
>>>> *******************************************************************
>> --
>> *******************************************************************
>> Stefano Salsano
>> Professore Associato
>> Dipartimento Ingegneria Elettronica
>> Universita' di Roma Tor Vergata
>> Via del Politecnico, 1 - 00133 Roma - ITALY
>> http://netgroup.uniroma2.it/Stefano_Salsano/
>> E-mail  : stefano.sals...@uniroma2.it
>> Cell.   : +39 320 4307310
>> Office  : (Tel.) +39 06 72597770  (Fax.) +39 06 72597435
>> *******************************************************************
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