Hello all,

I am trying to implement a mechanism to detect the liveness of a path and
incase any of the links along the path is down, the end point switch would
use the fastfailover groups and watchports to change the port along which
it is forwarding.
I used the following commands to establish a  gre tunnel and set up a BFD
session in OVS 2.0.1. The session was established and when I listed the
interfaces, BFD showed up and the status was shown as "enabled=true",
forwarding=true and state=up. But I later realized that support for group
tables started from version 2.1. So when I used v2.1.3 and tried to
esablish a BFD session in the exact samw way as before BFD status was shown
as enabled=true but forwarding=false and state=down showed up. The commands
I used to establish a tunnel and turn on BFD are as follows:

ovs-vsctl add-br br0
ovs-vsctl add-port br0 ethX
ovs-vsctl add-port br0 gre0 -- set interface gre0 type=gre
ovs-vsctl set interface gre0 bfd:enable=true

The same thing has been done using VX lan as well

Can someone help me with this, please.
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