On Sat, Nov 08, 2014 at 05:04:59PM +0100, Manu Sánchez wrote:
> Hi everybody!
> I hace a problem with the openvswitch and the openflow version 1.3. I am
> doing the SDN_HUB opendaylight tutorial. I write:
> $ sudo mn --topo single,3 --mac --controller remote --switch
> ovsk,protocols=OpenFlow13
> Then I start the OpenDayLight controller.
> When I see the packets with wireshark I see that they are using the OF 1.0
> version in the exchange. I think that it is because the openvswitch doesn
> implement the OF1.3 version. The version of openvswitch is 2.0.2 but if I
> update it to the 2.3.0 it still use the OF1.0 version.

### Q: What versions of OpenFlow does Open vSwitch support?

A: The following table lists the versions of OpenFlow supported by
   each version of Open vSwitch:

       Open vSwitch      OF1.0  OF1.1  OF1.2  OF1.3  OF1.4  OF1.5
       ###============   =====  =====  =====  =====  =====  =====
       1.9 and earlier    yes    ---    ---    ---    ---    ---
       1.10               yes    ---    [*]    [*]    ---    ---
       1.11               yes    ---    [*]    [*]    ---    ---
       2.0                yes    [*]    [*]    [*]    ---    ---
       2.1                yes    [*]    [*]    [*]    ---    ---
       2.2                yes    [*]    [*]    [*]    [%]    [*]
       2.3                yes    yes    yes    yes    [*]    [*]

       [*] Supported, with one or more missing features.
       [%] Experimental, unsafe implementation.

   Open vSwitch 2.3 enables OpenFlow 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3 by default
   in ovs-vswitchd.  In Open vSwitch 1.10 through 2.2, OpenFlow 1.1,
   1.2, and 1.3 must be enabled manually in ovs-vswitchd.  OpenFlow
   1.4 and 1.5 are also supported, with missing features, in Open
   vSwitch 2.3 and later, but not enabled by default.  In any case,
   the user may override the default:

   - To enable OpenFlow 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, and 1.3 on bridge br0:

     ovs-vsctl set bridge br0 

   - To enable OpenFlow 1.0, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, and 1.5 on bridge br0:

     ovs-vsctl set bridge br0 

   - To enable only OpenFlow 1.0 on bridge br0:

     ovs-vsctl set bridge br0 protocols=OpenFlow10

   All current versions of ovs-ofctl enable only OpenFlow 1.0 by
   default.  Use the -O option to enable support for later versions of
   OpenFlow in ovs-ofctl.  For example:

       ovs-ofctl -O OpenFlow13 dump-flows br0

   (Open vSwitch 2.2 had an experimental implementation of OpenFlow
   1.4 that could cause crashes.  We don't recommend enabling it.)

   [OPENFLOW-1.1+.md] in the Open vSwitch source tree tracks support for
   OpenFlow 1.1 and later features.  When support for OpenFlow 1.4 and
   1.5 is solidly implemented, Open vSwitch will enable those version
   by default.  Also, the OpenFlow 1.5 specification is still under
   development and thus subject to change.
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