Very thanks for your replay, I am interested in this work , but I don't know 
how to start, I study the ovs code recently, I found that PBB was not implement 
in, so I hope I can join this work.

发件人: Ben Pfaff [] 
发送时间: 2014年9月3日 0:10
收件人: Liuyongqiang (A)
抄送:; Thomas F Herbert
主题: Re: [ovs-discuss] when will ovs impletement PBB push/pop action?

On Mon, Sep 01, 2014 at 07:27:37AM +0000, Liuyongqiang (A) wrote:
> I want to know that is there any progress working on the 802.1ah(PBB), 
> I am interested in this work,I want to join in.
> From this discuss Thomas F Herbert plan to work on it,but I can not 
> find this work is already starting.

Tom Herbert's (CCed) previous statement was that he would work on it after 
802.1ad, but that work isn't submitted yet, so I don't know whether he's 
started on PBB.
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