
why is an arp drop rule added in the datapath when two bridges are
connected via a flow-based tunnel and both bridges are on the same host?

In the example picture I am attempting a ping from the client to the ws1.
Two bridges, sff1 and 2, ports listed also. Flows programmed are below the
picture. So arps from the client go into sff1(LOCAL), hit the broadcast
rule and arp sent out the tunnel. In the datapath, though, is the arp drop
rule so the arp request/response never completes.

If I put the sff2 bridge on a different host then everything works well.

I am guessing it is an issue with the shared datapath for both bridges when
on the same host and using flow-based tunnels. If I switch to port-based
tunnels then it works fine also. Is there some other config that can be
added to the bridges or different flows that can be used?

sudo ovs-dpctl dump-flows
packets:0, bytes:0, used:never,
packets:0, bytes:0, used:never, actions:drop

+--+-----------+----+        +--+-----------+----+
|  1           2    |        |  1           2    |     +-----+
|                   | vxlan  |                   |     |     |
|       sff1       5+--------+5       sff2      6+-----+ ws1 |
| LOCAL             |        | LOCAL             |     |     |
+--+----------------+        +--+----------------+     +-----+
   client web requests

sudo ovs-vsctl add-br sff1 -- set bridge sff1
sudo ovs-vsctl add-port sff1 vx1 -- set Interface vx1 type=vxlan
options:remote_ip=flow options:local_ip=flow options:key=flow
sudo ip addr add dev sff1

sudo ovs-vsctl add-br sff2 -- set bridge sff2
sudo ovs-vsctl add-port sff2 vx2 -- set Interface vx2 type=vxlan
options:remote_ip=flow options:local_ip=flow options:key=flow
sudo ip addr add dev sff2

sudo ovs-ofctl add-flow sff1 priority=0,actions=NORMAL
sudo ovs-ofctl add-flow sff1
sudo ovs-ofctl add-flow sff1

sudo ovs-ofctl add-flow sff2 priority=0,actions=NORMAL
sudo ovs-ofctl add-flow sff2
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