On Mon, Aug 04, 2014 at 02:16:23PM +0200, Ricardo Schmidt wrote:
> I'm experiencing some weird behavior with OVS and I'm wondering if it's
> something implementation related.
> I'm checking whether the packet counter of flow entries are correct. I have
> a virtualized environment running OVS 2.1.2 and I use tcpreplay to replay a
> pcap file containing a single and short flow with few hundreds of packets.
> What is funny is that tcpreplay sends all packets from the pcap file. All
> these packets are also correctly received in the other side, as tcpdump
> shows me. These packets were switched using OVS, but the packet counter for
> this flow sometimes is correct, sometimes reports less packets than
> actually sent, and sometimes reports more packets than actually sent.
> Again, I observe this even with all packets being correctly sent by
> tcpreplay in one switch port and received by tcpdump in another port.
> Does any one have any experience with that? Or knows the reason for such
> behavior of OVS counters?

It's unusual.  Can you tell us how to reproduce the behavior?
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