I'm seeing an issue in openstack icehouse running on ubuntu 14.04, ovs version 
2.0.1, package version 2.0.1+git20140120-0ubuntu2 where gre packets cannot pass 
between 2 ovs bridges (br-int and br-tun) when the original source packet is 
larger than 1438 bytes (mtu set to 1500 everywhere).  I've confirmed that 
openstack havana running on ubuntu 12.04 (ovs 1.10.2) does not have this same 
issue, so it feels like a regression.  I don't know where this should be 
reported, or if its been fixed in subsequent versions of openvswitch.
I also am pretty new to openvswitch so, any help in really nailing down exactly 
what is going on inside these bridges would be appreciated greatly.
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