
I'm setting up an OpenvSwitch controller with OpenDaylight to make some
remote configuration of the openflow rules. Before connecting OVS bridge to
the controller, there are already some basic flow configurations for the
OVS bridge.
e.g. flowA, flowB for br0

After I connect OVS bridge with the OpenDaylight controller:
# ovs-vsctl set-controller br0 tcp:***

I will find the previous configured old flows (flowA, flowB) are totally
deleted. I try to use the monitor command of ovs-ofctl to monitor the flow
changes when connecting to a controller:

# ovs-ofctl monitor br0 watch:
NXST_FLOW_MONITOR reply (xid=0x0):
 event=DELETED, reason=delete, table=0 ...

I can get some events of DELETED indicates the flowA and flowB are deleted
by someone, does OpenvSwitch itself or the controller delete those flow?
Actually I find the flows will also be totally deleted after the OVS bridge
is disconnected from the controller.

Those pre-configured rules are important for my setup, is there any way to
keep these old flows after connecting to a controller?

Another problem is, after the bridge is connected to the OpenDaylight
controller, if I add some rules from the OVS host but not remotely from the
controller, the new flows won't be updated in the OpenDaylight control
panel, But the flow is indeed added to the flow database. Is it any method
to make the controller updates all the flows in the OVS database but not
only the rules added from the controller?

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