So, What does that exactly mean?

It means that you guys have a function answering to the "install
meter"-like requests but it is not implemented in the switch?

I saw some patches (though I don't know what that means exactly too) that
were talking about meters in the ovs-ofctl function.

Could you give me a reference to understand the difference between
kernel-based and userspace switches?


Flávio Castro Jr.
Aspirante a Engenheiro de Redes de Comunicação
Universidade de Brasilia
0(55)(61) 9511-9999

2014-04-04 2:04 GMT-03:00 Ben Pfaff <>:

> On Thu, Apr 03, 2014 at 11:12:11PM -0300, Flavio Castro wrote:
> > Does any version of OVS support the openflow meter option?
> >
> > It seems to me that the ovs-ofctl command can't help me adding the
> meters.
> > I've found an e-mail about a patch for ovs-ofctl but I have no idea on
> how
> > to install it.
> The FAQ says:
> Q: Does Open vSwitch support OpenFlow meters?
> A: Since version 2.0, Open vSwitch has OpenFlow protocol support for
>    OpenFlow meters.  There is no implementation of meters in the Open
>    vSwitch software switch (neither the kernel-based nor userspace
>    switches).
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