
I am trying to connect to the internet on my Host via OVS.

my set up is as follows

I have two VMs,

VM 1 - Installed OVS - has two Network Interfaces. One is NAT (eth0) and
one is Host-only (eth1).
VM 2 - Host - Has only one Network Interface - Host-only (eth0).

Now with this set up my VM 1 - OVS - Will be able to access Internet Via
NAT and will communicate with my Host on VM 2 via Host-only.

VM 2 - Host - Will only be able to communicate with VM 1 via Host-only.

Now I created a bridge on my OVS, added ports eth1 and eth0 to the bridge.
When I added eth0 (Which is NAT) I am unable to access Internet via OVS.

Is there a way, I should be able to access Internet on OVS and also Host.
But, the host should be able to acess only via OVS.

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