>On Wed, Apr 09, 2014 at 02:23:13AM +0000, Yinpeijun wrote:
>> >On Tue, Apr 08, 2014 at 03:51:33AM +0000, Yinpeijun wrote:
>> >> Hello everyone, Recently, I use openvswitch-2.0.0 to test send 
>> >> packets between the vms, duration the test I use valgrind to
>> >> 
>> >> catch if there is memory leak in ovs-vswitched process , after test I see 
>> >> the valgrind log as follow :
>> >> So , I should annotation or delete the code above? Any advice on 
>> >> this would be greatly appreciated.
>> >
>> >This is certainly a bug that should be fixed, but I'm having trouble 
>> >matching up the line numbers in the valgrind output above with the code 
>> >that you quoted.  What are the line numbers for the code you quoted above?  
>> >Are you using exactly the openvswitch 2.0.0 release, or a different 
>> >release, or a modified version of some release?
>> Thank you for your reply Ben. 
>> sorry for my mistake ,I exactly use a openvswitch 2.0.0 release but I have 
>> added some our own code, and the valgrind output above match the line 
>> numbers as follow:
>Can you explain how to trigger the issue?  I spent a little time running

I use two servers and create 20 vms in each , which are divided into three 
classes: no vlan ,vlan 20 and vxlan 65536(our own scheme ), then vms to vms 
send TCP or UDP packets with netperf .

>2.0.0 today under valgrind and didn't manage to trigger it.  (Also, since 
>you've made significant changes to OVS, it is possible that one of those 
>changes introduced the problem.)

To ensure whether our changes introduced the problem,I will use 
openvswitch-2.0.0 release without modification to test in the same environment 

Thank you for you reply.
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