Please don't drop the list.

Yes, that's basically what I meant.


On 2/5/14, 2:07 PM, "tyler derden" <> wrote:

>Thank you Justin for your prompt response, I appreciate that!
>Please correct for me if I am wrong, so what you meant is: If the switch
>has no entry in the cam table for the Mac Address of the received packet,
>it will forward the packet to the controller, and the controller will
>push the packet back( according to the script) to a specific port instead
>of telling the switch to flood in normal cases.
>Thank you.
>> Date: Wed, 5 Feb 2014 11:51:14 -0800
>> Subject: Re: [ovs-discuss] Stopping ARP on OpenVSwitch
>> From:
>> To:;
>> Can't you just write a flow that matches broadcast ARP and sends them to
>> the controller?  The controller can push down flows to send them to a
>> specific port at a higher priority.
>> --Justin
>> On 2/5/14, 9:55 AM, "tyler derden" <> wrote:
>> >Hi,
>> >I hope someone can help me with my question below!
>> >I want to stop ARP broadcast on OVS whenever it gets a new packet with
>> >new destination IP/Mac, and instead of broadcast just to send it
>> >to the NOX controller, were the NOX controller will take the decision
>> >what specific  switch port number to send the packet to.
>> >
>> >Any ideas how i can structure that?
>> >
>> >Thanks in advance :)
>> >                                      
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>> >discuss mailing list
>> >
>> >

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