On Mon, Nov 25, 2013 at 09:51:35AM -0800, Taurus Cheung wrote:
> We are running VM guest on OpenStack. I would like to know whether
> Openvswitch supports SSM (Source-specific multicast:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Source-specific_multicast). [...]

No, OVS has no built-in support for SSM, though you might be able to
implement it with an OpenFlow controller.  But are you actually using
Open vSwitch as your last-hop router?  (More commonly OVS is used as a
switch.)  That article says that only the last-hop router needs to
support SSM, so if that is correct and you aren't using OVS as your
last-hop router then OVS is the wrong place to look for support.
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