On Fri, Nov 22, 2013 at 05:30:47PM +0100, Anton Matsiuk wrote:
> >
> > Does the controller get any error replies from Open vSwitch?
> No, Open vSwitch just accepts all the rules (500) and installs them without
> sending any errors to a controller, but processes only part of ingress
> packets through them:
> ovs-ofctl dump-aggregate br0
> NXST_AGGREGATE reply (xid=0x4): packet_count=324 byte_count=20736
> flow_count=500

OK, thanks for the details.

Are the switch and the controller using buffered packets?  That is, is
the controller sending 500 flow_mods and 500 packet_outs, or is it
just sending 500 flow_mods?  If it is sending only flow_mods, can you
try disabling packet buffering in the switch?  (One way to do this is
to have the controller set a miss_send_len of 65535.)
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