On Fri, Nov 15, 2013 at 2:06 AM, VIVEK KUMAR <kvivekkum...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
>    This is Vivek Kumar, final year student in BTech computer science. I,
> along with my friends, am doing a project on SDN. We intend to use
> floodlight as controller, mininet to create topology and openvswitch.
>  We wanted to create a different packet ( not of the form struct sk_buff as
> defined and used in datapath.c in mininet ).
>  We went through the Openflow specification. It lists different types of
> messages which uses their own structures like error, ofp_port_status, and
> others.
>  Can you please help us out ?
> Is there a method which we can use to create a new pkt and send from OVS to
> Controller ?

struct sk_buff is a Linux kernel concept, not one that affects
OpenFlow or even the userspace portions of OVS. What are you actually
trying to do?
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