Hey All,

I am trying to have a regular expression in my flow entry,

My topology is something like this,

host1 ———OVS ———host2

My objective is basically , host1 is constantly sending packets and host2 has 
to only receive half of the packets.

So, what I have thought of doing is , I will have 2 tables in my OVS, the first 
table matches the in_port and adds a metadata to the packet and pipelines to 
the table2.
Table2 decides the action according to the metadata of the packet.

But what the table1’s objective is to, check if the n_packets of that flow 
entry is divisible by 2 and add metadata 1 or 2 respectively.
Is there a way to write a Regex for for from the controller or ofctl command?

I have tried searching for the Regex insertion documentation but there’s no 
documentation on this.

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