Hi all,

I want to add a new function in openvswitch so that some flows can always
be processed by userspace OpenFlow module (ofproto) instead of the kernel
module ( datapath).

To do this, More specifically, I want to add an entry in the flow table in
ofproto (OpenFlow userspace module). And this entry is used to process the
flows in userspace. However, when a packet is received by the kernel, the
kernel will only insert a entry for that packet with action=userspace, so
that the packet will be forwarded to userspace and will again match the
flow table in userspace (OpenFlow flow table). the userspace will then
process the packet according to the action in the matched entry,

My question is:
1. which parts of the ovs source code convert the OpenFlow flow entry to
datapath entry (facet?)?
2. which function in ofproto process the userspace upcall from kernel?


Xiaoye (Steven) Sun, Ph.D. Student
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) & Department of
Computer Science (CS)
George R. Brown School of Engineering
Rice University, Houston, Texas, USA
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