
I'm trying to match on vlan_vid using Open vSwitch, set as an OpenFlow 1.3
The flows are the following:

At table 0:  tag the packet, set the vid to 100 and send it to table 1.
$ sudo ovs-ofctl -O OpenFlow13 add-flow s1

At table 1: Match on in_port and vlan_vid, then output to port 2
$ sudo ovs-ofctl -O OpenFlow13 add-flow s1

Sending packets through the interface 1, the packets match the flow at
table 0, but do not match the flow at table 2.

This is the dump flows result
$ sudo  ovs-ofctl -O OpenFlow13  dump-flows s1
OFPST_FLOW reply (OF1.3) (xid=0x2):
 cookie=0x0, duration=94.936s, table=0, n_packets=7, n_bytes=294, in_port=1
 cookie=0x0, duration=75.93s, table=1, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0,
in_port=1,vlan_tci=0x0064/0x1fff actions=output:2

Reading the ofctl man page I can see that the vlan_tci  value shown by the
dump-flows looks right.

Am I doing something wrong?


Eder Leão Fernandes

Bacharel em Ciências de Computação
Instituto de Ciências Matemáticas e de Computação
Universidade de São Paulo
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