Hello all, I'm relatively new with all of this but I'm hoping that someone may 
be able to shed some light.
What I'm trying to accomplish is to have a virtual firewall/router on the same 
machine as other virtual guests operating as servers.
I have set up at the moment, Ubuntu KVM host, with 5 guests, using openvswitch, 
It all works fine all machines can communicate and access the wan.
The firewall/router is a virtual guest using PPPoE for wan connection, the host 
has 2 NIC one setup as ovs lan bridge, the other ovs wan bridge.
The host has no external ip, the only place there is one is in the 
firewall/router kvm guest.
The firewall guest has port forwarding to the other guests, for web services, 
mail etc.  It seems to start to work but very slowly, I'm sure that I haven't 
done this correctly, I have been searching the web for some time on a hint on 
how to accomplish it, and it does seem possible.
I have tried using IPTables on the host to port forward but no joy, I'm 
guessing there is something in here that would allow it to work.

Any one able to point me in the right direction.


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