Hi All,

We are not able to understand the usage of ovs-benchmark. We have referred
man page also. But still we have following doubts

1) We didn't understand what is the purpose of ovs-benchmark?
2) We didn't understand meaning of "*flow setup*" ?
3) As man page as described ovs-benchmark opens tcp connections. Generally
openvswitch opens a single tcp connection with open flow controller so what
is the meaning of opening multiple tcp connections
4) Also man page has described "* A TCP connection consists of two flows*"
and we checked it can have maximum of 1021 tcp connections in one batch. so
Does this mean we can have 2042 dump flows at max?

Please clarify and help us in understanding the above points.


On Fri, Oct 11, 2013 at 6:34 PM, deepak salaria <deepaksalaria1...@gmail.com
> wrote:

> Hi Nick,
> Thanks for the help.
> As you specified that i have to pop up the bottom label and push a new one
> with the value 100,so i did so and i was able to swap the value of the mpls
> label to 100.
> Thanks again for the help.
> Regards
> Deepak
> On Thu, Oct 10, 2013 at 3:59 PM, deepak salaria <
> deepaksalaria1...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Thanks Nick for the reply.
>> I will check this Nick and will let you inform whether this worked or
>> not.But according to the man page of ovs-ofctl push and pop actions both
>> take ether-type as an arguement rather than an integer value.Please correct
>> me if i am wrong.
>> Hoping for a positive reply from your side.
>> Regards
>> Deepak
>> On Wed, Oct 9, 2013 at 12:59 PM, Nicholas Bastin 
>> <nick.bas...@gmail.com>wrote:
>>> On Wed, Oct 9, 2013 at 3:25 AM, deepak salaria <
>>> deepaksalaria1...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Basically i want to swipe the default value of label that ovs pushes
>>>> i.e. 0 to the value i want.For e.g. i am using the following setup:
>>>> 1. Using three ovs switches
>>>> 2. The first one pushes the mpls header with default mpls label 0 by
>>>> using push_mpls action.
>>>> 3. The second one swipes the mpls label 0 to a particular value say 100.
>>>> 4. The third one removes the mpls header from the ipv4 packet which can
>>>> be done by the pop_mpls action.
>>>> So Ben,can you please guide me through which i can change or swipe the
>>>> value of the mpls label in the 3rd step to the desired value i want.
>>> You need to pop the bottom label and push a new one with the value of
>>> 100 (which is what a mythical "set_mpls_label" action would have to do
>>> anyhow, on most hardware).
>>> --
>>> Nick
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