On Fri, Aug 30, 2013 at 03:50:36PM +0000, Dmitri Chebotarov wrote:
> I'm looking for some help with an OVS option ? is there a way to
> allow interface of connected VM to operate in promiscuous mode?
> VMWare vSwitch has this under Security, VirtualBox under
> Network->[Adapter]->Advanced->Promiscuous mode.

VMware made a terrible, confusing mistake in naming here.
"Promiscuous mode" has a specific meaning.  As defined at e.g.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Promiscuous_mode, promiscuous mode is
when a network interface card passes every packet it receives to the
CPU, instead of filtering out and discarding the packets not destined
to that host.  In a switched network, like the ones you'll find pretty
much everywhere these days, promiscuous mode doesn't have much effect,
because few packets not destined to a host are delivered to the host's

What the VMware vSwitch calls "promiscuous mode" is quite different.
When you configure promiscuous mode on a VMware vNIC, the vSwitch
sends a copy of every packet received by the vSwitch to that vNIC.
That has a much bigger effect: rather than getting a few stray packets
for which the switch does not yet know the correct destination, the
vNIC gets every packet.

On a physical switch, what the VMware vSwitch calls "promiscuous mode"
is called "port mirroring" or "SPAN".  Open vSwitch supports port
mirroring, and you can find instructions for configuring it in the
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