In my network, a packet is sent from Host A to Host B. What I want is
whenever Host A sends a packet to Host B, two flows should be created.
One flow with NW Src A and NW Dest B and second flow with NW Src B and
NW Dest A.
I can install flow with NW Src A and NW Dest B with the following code:
|msg ||=| |of.ofp_flow_mod()
|msg.match.nw_src ||=| |IPAddr(||"IP_of_Host_A"||)|
|msg.match.nw_dst ||=| |IPAddr(||"|||IP_of_Host_B|"||)|
|msg.actions.append(of.ofp_action_output(port ||=| |4||))|
But how can I install the second flow with NW Src B and NW Dst A?
Remember, I need to install both flows from packet sent from Host A to
Host B, while Host B never sends a packet to Host A but I still need
flow for it.
Thank you.
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