I try to pass metadata to the controller through the following flow:
   ovs-ofctl add-flow br-int "in_port=5 priority=2 actions=set_field:123->

I do see the following flow when I do dump-flows:
   cookie=0x0, duration=310.921s, table=0, n_packets=0, n_bytes=0,
   idle_age=310, priority=2,in_port=5 actions=load:0x7b->OXM_OF_METADATA

But when I check in the controller side I see metadata=0.
I check the metadata value with 2 different methods:
   1. By snooping the communication between switch to controller and see
   2. By using the extract_flow function inside the controller to retrieve
   the flow
    corresponding to the packet_in message.

What am I doing wrong here?

- Liran

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