On Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 03:44:50PM +0100, Jean-François Lalau wrote:
> But,  I have some trouble with the network scripts that create the VM vif.
> I.E when I try to create a domU I got an error message stating that the
> hotplug script doesn’t work.

I guess that you should debug it.  If you find a fix, please report it
to the Xen maintainers, if it's a bug in Xen, or to
b...@openvswitch.org if it's a bug in Open vSwitch.

> I found some replacement scripts for the XEN supplied “vif-bridge” scripts
> but none works and hours of searching for the issue in various place brought
> nothing else than a headache.

It's difficult to act on feedback like the above, since it doesn't
actually state what the problem is.

> -          Should I use the Open vSwitch compatibility layer for Linux
> bridging ? (or must I ?) 

If the Xen scripts you are using assume that the Linux bridge is in
use, then you will have to adapt them to use Open vSwitch natively or
use bridge compatibility.

Open vSwitch 1.9 will be the last release that includes bridge
compatibility support.  It will not be in later releases.

> -          Should I follow the instruction for
> <http://openvswitch.org/cgi-bin/gitweb.cgi?p=openvswitch;a=blob_plain;f=INST
> ALL.XenServer;hb=HEAD> Building and installing Open vSwitch for Citrix
> XenServer  ? (despite I use open source Xen and not citrix)

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